

For more than 25 years the focus of GEFEG activities has been on the subject of standardization and interfaces for electronic data exchange. Based on this approach GEFEG supports the development of electronic invoicing formats. GEFEG solutions provide productivity increases and optimized data interface development to connect business processes and plan, map, and manage their relevant business content throughout the entire application cycle. The GEFEG.FX software for the development and management of data models, eStandards and interfaces, the GEFEG.Portal for publishing interfaces, on-boarding and community management as well as consulting support, training courses and workshops on eBusiness topics are among the solutions. As an active member of national and international committees, such as DIN, UN/CEFACT, EDIFICE, DISA, GEFEG is also involved in the development of interfaces for industries, companies and global standard organizations. The practical experience gained in consulting and standardization as well as the use of in-house solutions complement each other and help GEFEG further expand its recognized status as a specialist for business interfaces.

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